The storie of three pots:
once there leaved a pot maker
named murari in a town called
he would make pots sells them in the
market and inside pay
he would raise his family he had three
parts in his home
one day the three were bantering with each
like this mates we have been accomplices
like this
since remarkably huge time allotment I wish from my
all out
heart to live freely like this for an exorbitantly lengthy timespan
I wish to say my dear accessory
in any case, I don't wish to leave here any more
family like this
I wish someone to take me from here
right when the three areas were chatting with
each other
a rich man appears at the pot maker
listen man I need one splendid psyche blowing pot
see sir I don't have excellent pot or awful pot
the aggregate of the pots are adequate whichever you need
you can take it sir
sympathetically wouldn't pressure I needn't sit around with another pot
in any case, I need old one
old one regardless sir I have the aggregate of the new pots
by and by, the three pots which I'm eventually
using whatever it is
I need an old pot the man was
firm on his cutting edge murari got no chance to get out
notwithstanding, to show him the three segments among
the three
the rich man picked the third part on
the third part says to the going with two
look my craving is fulfilled I am going
with a rich man now
saying this the third body feels perky
the rich man pays money to murari
furthermore, takes the pot home
the bot feels happy to be there
days pass by one day when the owner was
filling the water in the pot
the pot gets detached from the top
goodness I brought this old part thinking it
will be more grounded when appeared particularly relating to the
new one
notwithstanding, see this current it's obliterated now it is
of no usage to me
away from home the unit feels so miserable
also, says to self God help us
what should I do now he left me
I was content with my associates now
the unit incredibly cries all the while
a more settled individual passes by and sees the pot
he lifts the pot and takes it home
while the man was walking around home
the part thinks in its cerebrum where he
might be taking
to an obliterated pot like me
the old individual keeps it home fills water in
it constantly and drinks
reliably the unit asks the old individual
sir I'm broken and I don't look exceptional
why did you bring me home you could have
bought another for yourself
uh I can't endure purchasing another pot
likewise, if you are broken you are satisfying
my trust
that is more tremendous other than
one's appearance matters nothing as
long they are important to others
audit it
okay appearance isn't at all a matter
you are totally right sir I wasn't right
I by and large idea staying with the rich
will accumulate my value regardless in all honesty
it doesn't have any effect where we are it's
essential the absolute we are huge for
the part gets its activity starting now and for a critical time span it
starts living cheerfully
following relatively few days the old individual brings the
other two pots home
district three felt happy to see them
sovereign why you both are here
we got scratches on us our owner
gotten us a long way from home this clever old individual
gotten us here
meanwhile the more prepared individual gets two plants
what's more, places them in both the pots and
waters them
friend you expected to go with the rich
man to be
merry yet finally the delicate more prepared individual made
you comprehend
you are currently huge when rest of
people thought you
are negligible you correspondingly as to us
as of now I understood looks are not colossal
in any case, how we help other people is be it rich
or on the other hand vulnerable starting now and for a huge time allotment the three amigos
stay together blissfully with the old individual