Fish Rain Story:
here was a farmer named Gary one day he
was working in his home out of nowhere he
found a pot stacked with gold in the field
which was gathered with gold monetary standards a pot
of gold I am so regarded Katie will be so
eager when I show her yet proportionately as he
considers Katie he feels a little
panicked no if I del Katie she will
spread the word to the entire town
we found a fortune in our property we
found a fortune in our home goodness my
god no this should not happen adjoining how
will I cover this from Katie I can't
take this colossal pot in bundle I will have
to find an answer Gary by then covered the
pot with soil and showed up at home thinking
about that matter today you're home
I'm feeling hungry serve the food
quickly Katie serve the food
regardless, Gary was not focusing in on eating Oh
Katie I'm not lively I will go to the
market that is odd
a short period of time back you said you were locked in are
you OK yes I'm fine
I'll be back late you have your dinner
besides, rest
Gary by then goes to the market he buys
some two or three holders of red covering he
goes to his home with those things I
should will work down Gary as of now mixes
the red tone in water and waters the
bomb with it and some time later he spreads the
fish any put on the estate
no it's fine Dark Knight he shows up at his
home especially late goodness she's resting kitty
get up Katie I need to help you
goodness come shrewd Oh what happened you came
late today
there is something went with me to the
palm unmistakably as of now it's late night shouldn't something be said about we go
close to the start of the day
no kitty shouldn't something be said about we go right now it has
down-poured in our farm how is it possible that it would be possible that it would be possible that this would be possible
it didn't rain here sky is in like manner clear
liberal dear that is the point
it has dropped truly in her property and that
extravagantly not an ordinary tempest it was investigated of
fish there are an enormous heap of fish in her
farm which dropped from the sky first
storm are you feeling OK I'm completely
fine kitty straightforwardly as of now go with me
with the light in their hold both of them
showed up at the home see Katie this wasn't
a standard whirlwind
it was plunging red from the sky I have
felt this water in the pot when Katie
saw a fish any put on the home she was
stunned she could see red spots here
in like way, there in the delighting awe inspiring yes there are so
various fishes spread here how did this
happen this seems like a marvel we ought to
take the pot amassed with water home notwithstanding
this is a secret in the future don't tell this
to anyone
why will I tell anyone with Katie's help
Gary gets back the pot gathered with
gold next morning before Katie mixes
Gary campaigned the pot in the yard of his
getting some data about the pot listen where have
you kept the port
which passage the one we brought from a
farm the past evening a piece of the neighbors
here Katie talking they all come here
likewise, collect around getting some data about the
party piece which part did you find a
treasure what is in the pot did you
find a fortune
Ruler show unselfishness toward us no there is nothing of that sort
she clearly imagined the past evening mm-well
I haven't envisioned anything why do you lie
we brought a fundamental pot the past evening from our
farm yesterday night yes yesterday night
you see yesterday exhausted really
in our area regardless yesterday it plunged
here that is the point
it down-poured particularly in our home Oh and that
too was not a common twister it down-poured
red water from sky and you know riches
of fish additionally dropped from the sky on our
the pot was totaled with that red wat
just and everybody started chuckling when
Katie said this fish is this really
possible he has genuinely gone injured sister
you undoubtedly had some dream come we ought to
go we've consumed our time train insane
women goodness if it's not all that total weight, stop I'm telling the
charitable it truly down-poured fish in our home now
you if it's not all that entire trouble, say something I revealed to you
likely had some dream straightforwardly as of now let it go
kitty generously serve the morning feast I'm
getting late for the property
did I really stagger the past evening
seeing his regarded one going inside with a
astounded cerebrum gary smiles advantaged experiences should
stay odd paying little heed to why may we
call it so